Are marketers putting acronyms before people and leads before revenue? Are you relying on the same-old lead generation processing and demand generation funnels developed 15 years ago? By focusing on MQLs, marketers have lost the true link to revenue. The key to B2B and marketing success and sales success and business performance is value creation.
The success of a business depends on its ability to create and deliver value to its employees, prospects, customers and stakeholders. Ted Kohnen, CEO of Park & Battery, will talk about how marketers need to identify and activate four types of value:Functional value: The solution/service/offer that you deliver to the customer (or customer’s customer)
Monetary value: The function of the “price” paid relative to the perceived worth
Social value: The extent to which engaging with your brand allows the consumer to connect with others.
Psychological value: The extent to which engaging with your brand allows consumers to express themselves or feel better.