2023 Speaker - LCP Tazmin Miah
2023 Speaker - Okta Holly Gage
2023 Speaker - CRMT Digital Len Van Hoogenhuijze
Economic headwinds are coming, but what does this actually mean for your marketing tech stack, and the team that operates it? Fail to acknowledge the inevitable, and you could be caught short. Prepare now, and you could optimise your internal and external resources, as well as your tech stack generally, to the point where you emerge from the current climate in an even stronger position than ever before.
This was the subject of our latest Swarm (a two-week, Expert-led programme in Propolis - our community intelligence platform), in which we brought together our entire community to solve this collective challenge. With a leader-level roundtable, a series of community conversations, and run in tandem with a quantitative survey, this panel session reveals what challenges marketers are facing when it comes to their tech stack and operations, and what they're doing to keep growing their businesses in a challenging economy.