The proof’s in the pilot: Growing in untapped markets with ABM
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 9:50 AM - 10:25 AM
Stefano Lacono Paul Russell

In this keynote, you will learn:

  •  How Vertiv’s pilot yielded $1M pipeline within ten weeks 

  • Why one-to-many ABM works like a charm in new markets 

  • The integrated approach that won over sales and leadership

Venturing into new markets or verticals is a bold move. But if you can test the waters to find a scalable winning formula in an untapped market, the rewards are worth the risk.  

Hear Paul Russell, Global Customer Marketing Director at Vertiv, share the story behind an ABM pilot in Australia that led to instant pipeline success, as well as internal demand to roll out the program globally. 

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