The 3rd party Cookie crumbles - what do we need to do now?
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Tony Lamb Riaz Kanani Paul Collier

In this session, you will learn:

  • The journey to the position today
  • Timeframes and dependencies for the change happening
  • The likely  "do nothing" impact
  • What options and solutions should we be looking at

The demise of the third party cookie has been on the agenda for a number of years now, but they're still there and being used. 

Well this was all planned to change in 2024, when Google was going to stop supporting them via their Chrome browser. These deadlines now moved again to sometime early 2025.

As we experienced with the GDPR implementation, we need a plan of action for our online marketing, to prevent a sudden drop in enquiries and order volumes when the change happens.

To discuss this topic, Tony Lamb will be joined by Riaz Kanani - CEO of Radiate B2B, and Paul Collier- CMO of FunnelFuel.

This session will run in 2 parts. Firstly, they will look at the background position to today, then they'll look to the future, and what everyone should be thinking about now.

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