Full Name
John Breedon
Job Title
Director - DataOps & Performance
John Breedon is a true leader in the field of marketing technology. As the Director of DataOps & Performance at Twogether, the 3x B2B Marketing Agency of the Year, John has over 18 years of experience in the industry.
Working with some of the biggest technology companies around the globe, John orchestrates complex multi-channel marketing campaigns that consistently deliver outstanding results. His unique insights and data-driven approach have helped clients enhance their ROI and stay ahead of the competition.
True to his reputation, he was named a finalist at Martechopia for Martech Visionary of the Year.
Working with some of the biggest technology companies around the globe, John orchestrates complex multi-channel marketing campaigns that consistently deliver outstanding results. His unique insights and data-driven approach have helped clients enhance their ROI and stay ahead of the competition.
True to his reputation, he was named a finalist at Martechopia for Martech Visionary of the Year.
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