
The B2B Marketing Awards 2024 categories recognise the full breadth of the industry, covering campaign mechanics, brand marketing programmes, growth marketing programmes, audiences and objectives, and teams and practitioners.


This category is designed to reflect campaigns using a variety of different channels or media, in an omnichannel or integrated framework, for a clearly specified objective. Submissions must explain the mix of channels utilised for the campaign, how the brand and/or agency ensured the various techniques complemented one another and worked together, and demonstrate how success or effectiveness was measured against objectives.

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This category recognises the best use of paid, third-party media by an agency or an in-house marketing team for brand building, demand/lead generation or otherwise. This category would suit brands adopting a performance marketing strategy, seeking to use media channels responsively to continually optimise response. All media channels (on and offline) are accepted in this category. Submissions should demonstrate why a particular media format, mechanic and/or partner was used for a given campaign, how the targets were set, what the outcomes were, and how success was measured. If the creative strategy was determined by the media choice, that should be specified in the submission, as should any testing for new media/formats/partners that had not been deployed previously. Judges will want to understand how the media bought or partnered with was selected, and (where relevant) how its use fitted into a wider programme and leveraged other mechanics or channels. Where appropriate, submissions must demonstrate how the programme sought to innovate or push the boundaries of the format.

The use of events (of any format) to achieve specific marketing objectives is the focus of this category. This could encompass physical or ‘real-world’ events of any reasonable type, including exhibitions, conferences, launch parties/events, seminars, roundtables, awards ceremonies, etc., or digital events such as webinars, etc. These events could be created custom for a specific purpose, or the brand could be leveraging an existing event, including one organised by a third party (e.g. an exhibition or conference). Submissions must explain how communications and messaging around the event or events were managed, and (where appropriate) event activity fitted into a wider programme of activity. Critically, submissions must clearly specify objectives, and how measurement was used to demonstrate success.

This category focuses on activities using public relations (PR) techniques or services to achieve a specified marketing objective. This could include campaigns that utilise PR as the sole or only technique, or where PR is part of an integrated or multi/omnichannel marketing mix, alongside other channels. However, for submissions to this category PR must be a prominent aspect of the overall campaign, rather than a support activity. Submissions must explain the mix of media, publications or bloggers targeted, how journalists and commentators were engaged, as well as how success was measured and evaluated. All forms of media coverage are relevant to this category, including digital and print.

Submissions must focus on the creative work used to deliver a message or messages, regardless of media, channel or format. Entrants must explain how the creative solution to the campaign was developed, how it was applied to different media or marketing channels, and potentially developed to encompass different sub-messages or elements of the campaign, including both text and image-based executions. An explanation of the creative process employed by the agency or in-house team to develop the campaign would be helpful for the judges.

This category recognises how digital experience was used to deliver marketing success - either in combination with other on or offline channels, or in isolation. Relevant channels may include websites, apps, Saas marketing platforms, AR/VR devices, etc. The programme objective could be for new customer recruitment, retention or customer growth - or any combination of the above. Submissions should detail exactly which technologies or techniques were used and how these were deployed to build a great experience for the audience. Submissions should clearly outline objectives, explain how success was due to be measured and state what results were achieved.

This category is designed to recognise excellence in the use of social media and/or influencer marketing, where used either as the primary focus of a marketing programme or just one of many aspects of a broader programme. Submissions must explain the particular relevance of social or influencer marketing for this programme, how the social channels used were identified and/or the influencers selected. Where relevant, submissions must also outline social or influencer activity fitted into a wider marketing programme, or how this activity related to the wider context of the brand's messaging and communications. Objectives must be clearly outlined, as must metrics for success.

This category focuses on the use of one or more content assets as part of a B2B marketing campaign - either as the primary focus of the campaign or as just one component of a wider suite of activities. Any format of content is applicable here, or a combination of formats, including (but not exclusively) email newsletters, whitepapers, videos, webinars, interactive reports, podcasts, etc. Submissions must explain how content outputs were devised as part of campaign development and planning, how outputs were tailored to the specific audience, the objectives that were set and how effectiveness was calculated.

The role of data analysis, market research and customer intelligence in informing marketing strategy is the focus of this category. Submissions must explain how analysis and insight played a critical role in the development and/or execution of the marketing strategy and tactics, potentially generating entirely new approaches to marketing and communication. Analysis or insight may be based on a variety of different sources, including analysis of web traffic, analysis of customer data or through bespoke market research commissioned through a media partner or via a specialist agency.

Category sponsored by:

This category recognises the role of AI in delivering marketing success, and demonstrating how AI (or AI-enabled tools) has enabled improvements in processes, productivity, output, effectiveness or creativity. Critically, submissions need not only relate to marketing campaigns, programmes or output, they could also relate to activities designed to streamline or improve marketing organisation and operations, such as how the marketing team is comprised or deployed. This could be in terms of speed of delivery, creation of insight, reduction in costs, or any other advantage to be specified. As with other categories, submissions must explain the objective of the marketing challenge that the organisation was seeking to address, and (where appropriate) the target audience, media used, and budgets. However, it must also provide more detail about the AI solution utilised or developed, and how/why this particular solution was identified and selected. Please also identify any challenges faced in utilising AI for this initiative, and how these were overcome. Where a submission originates from a vendor of an AI-empowered marketing solution, please try to write the submission from the point of view of the brand which conducted the initiative.


This category is designed to recognise excellence in the creation and utilisation of thought leadership programmes to create genuine standouts for a brand within its B2B market. Submissions must explain the challenge, opportunity or context faced by the organisation, and why thought leadership was considered to be the most effective way of addressing that - as well as objective in terms of the desired outcome and how it was intended to measure that. The techniques or process used to create the thought leadership positioning message or assets must be explained and how these were deployed in communications to activate the campaign, engage the audience and deliver the messages. If the programme extended into demand generation, ABM or sales enablement, this should also be mentioned, as well as any results available that specifically related to this activity.

This category is designed to reflect marketing programmes focused on achieving a key purpose-based, and/or social responsibility, objective(s). The origins of the brand’s purpose or its relationship with social responsibility cause must be outlined within the submission, as well as (critically) how the campaign in question was designed to further achieve these. As ever, measurement is critical, but in this context, submissions must explain what was achieved by this specific campaign within or around the timeframe specified, rather than outline the achievements of a potentially longer-term brand alignment. The metrics used must relate back to meaningful business objectives.

This category could be appropriate for brand relaunch/refresh activity, repositioning or general brand awareness work, with a focus on customers/prospects only, employees only, or a combination of the two. If the campaign was designed to communicate a change in the branding or positioning, the submission must explain why this change was undertaken and what the activity was designed to achieve. If the campaign was focused on general brand awareness, the submission must explain why it was considered necessary. Measurement techniques must be explained in detail, together with an explanation of pre and post-campaign brand awareness/strength. Finally, submissions must demonstrate how internal and external audiences were engaged by this campaign, as appropriate.


Marketing focused on delivering revenue growth (ideally) or pipeline/opportunities is the focus of this category, with programmes focused on either new customers or existing customers via cross-sell or upsell. Submissions must explain how customer/prospect groups were identified, researched and targeted with relevant messaging based on status. If growth marketing is a new definition for how marketing is conducted or structured within the organisation, the submission must explain the changes that were made in terms of team structure, go-to-market strategy or anything else relevant in order to enable success through this initiative. An explanation of how marketing aligned with sales and provided relevant enablement material would be helpful, as well as information on alignment with other stakeholders, such as customer success.

This category is designed to recognise excellence in the often interconnected disciplines of lead generation and/or demand generation - both of which are intended to drive opportunities, pipeline and ultimately revenue. Submissions could include campaigns that deploy inbound or outbound techniques, or both; they could also incorporate marketing using both owned and paid for media, assets or resources. As well as outlining the context and business objectives for the programme, submissions must explain how the campaign and different elements were deployed, and how these contributed towards driving buyers from prospects through to initial sales enagagement and beyond. Insights on engagement rates at key stages, and conversion rates, must be provided, as well as information on revenue attribution, where available.

This category reflects excellence in marketing to buying groups at a particular organisation, rather than purely to individual buyers. It can include any heavily focused activity to a single company or group of similar companies, or at scale to a larger number of companies (in other words, it can include so-called 'strategic' ABM, 'lite' ABM or 'programmatic' ABM). Critically, the submission must explain how account planning and customer insight were conducted, and how this influenced the development of messaging and communications strategy. It also is critical that the submission explains how sales were involved, engaged and aligned at every stage to ensure the success of the initiative. Finally, the use of martech platforms that was key to the success of this campaign must be listed in the submission.

Marketing both to and through resellers or distributors (or other intermediaries) in any sector is the focus of this category. Submissions must explain the context of channel partnership, how this fits into the brand's overall go-to-market strategy, and how this may be evolving in response to shifting market dynamics, such as buyer sentiment or new customer opportunities. Submissions must also outline the dynamics and characteristics of the specific channel partner group or groups involved, and how they are selected or managed for mutual success. The role of the brand/vendor in enabling channel marketing activity (through the provision of things like funding, collateral support, sales incentives, etc.) must also be explained. Finally, submissions must outline how objectives were set and intended to be measured and how success was ultimately quantified.

This category reflects any initiative focused on providing the sales organisation with information tools and content that it needs to help salespeople sell more effectively, throughout the buyer process. Submissions must outline the specific sales challenge that the enablement initiative was designed to address, and how the activities developed addressed this. Metrics included must demonstrate how this initiative directly contributed towards improved sales performance, as well as the extent to which salespeople themselves were engaged by the programme, and utilised the materials or resources created within their activities.

This category recognises programmes that have achieved excellence in terms of financial ROI. Measurement information and ROI will be the key judging criteria for this category, as will client testimonials. Detailed results and budgetary information will be required – if this information is confidential, please remember to state this clearly in the submission.


This category is designed to recognise B2B marketing excellence with strict limitations. Any campaign developed and executed on a budget of less than £30,000 – which includes agency, media, data, or technology fees – is applicable. Submissions must specify how budgets were allocated and demonstrate how maximum effectiveness was generated from limited financial and personnel resources. Given the nature of the category, it's likely that submissions may have an onus on earned (rather than paid) media, using existing technology and commercial partners, in order to achieve impact given budgetary restrictions.

B2B marketing campaigns aimed at engaging with a volume audience (in terms of the number of companies targeted) is the focus of this category, and it would consequently suit programme mechanics designed to appeal to a broad and diverse customer group, likely with an onus towards SMEs. Submissions in this category may include a high level of automation, including the use of programmatic techniques and/or e-commerce, although this is not essential. By definition, entries in this category are unlikely to be focused on an account-based marketing programme, and it is more likely that activities will be focused on a single decision-maker. Given the nature of the engagement, it's likely that there will be a strong onus on customer experience considerations to drive conversions. Submissions must explain how the campaign was structured (and adapted where necessary) to maximise impact and effectiveness. Specific martech platforms that were critical to the delivery of this campaign, should be listed in the campaign if applicable.

Marketing activity targeted at decision-makers in large or enterprise-level organisations (1500+ individuals, or over $38.5 million in revenue) is the focus of this category, by definition addressing the concerns, issues, priorities and opportunities that companies of this size face. Eligible activity could include programmes targeted at either individual decision-makers or larger buying groups comprising of multiple individuals. Submissions must explain how messaging and communications were designed to stand out to the target audience and respond to the decision-making process in these large organisations, and (where relevant) overcome inherent obstacles such as the requirements of procurement and the sheer complexity of organisational structure.

This category recognises marketing activity aimed at engaging an internal audience, for any specified brand or organisational objective, target or need. The nature of the objective must be clearly specified in the submission, alongside how success was intended to be measured. Both short-term initiatives such as revenue-focused campaigns, or wider organisational transformations are relevant in this category. Submissions must also specify media and campaign mechanics used, and how this initiative was aligned with corporate culture and/or sought to drive organisational change. How the campaign sought to engage personnel in very different departments and teams, or in different territories, must also be specified.

Activity with a regional, multinational or global focus applies to this category. Submissions must explain why the geographical target audience was selected, how the activity accommodated cultural or legislative variations between territories, how local or regional teams were aligned, and how channels, techniques and budget were managed to ensure the most effective use across a diverse geographical audience.

Activity designed to promote a new business product or service is the focus of this category. Submissions must outline the new product (explaining USPs, positioning and relevance to the target audience), rationalise media selection and illustrate success achieved against objectives.


The focus of this category is to recognise the group of B2B marketers that has pulled together to meet its objectives and challenges for the year, and which truly demonstrates that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Marketing teams of any size or configuration are eligible, from a minimum of three individuals working within a marketing function, all the way up to the blue-chip corporates with large in-house teams. Virtual teams, including freelancers and agency staff may be included, although the submission will have to demonstrate how individuals genuinely acted as a cohesive unit. Teams entered into this category could also include more informal or agile groups, brought together to address a specific objective or deliverable, but for a defined period of time rather than permanently. Submissions must include details of the following: List individual team members (including roles, key skills and responsibilities); key objectives faced and how these were achieved; other challenges faced along the way; examples of cooperation and teamwork; testimonials from team leaders or marketing directors. Please note that this category is only open to in-house or client-side marketing teams.

This category is intended to recognise a single outstanding individual, at whatever level in the marketing team, who has made a demonstrable difference to their organisation during the qualification period. Submissions must explain the role and remit of the individual, and the context of that role within the organisation and/or department, plus any external factors impacting on it. Where possible, the submissions should state any noteable projects that the individual in question has undertaken - this could include internal transformation or campaign execution, amongst other things. In the most appropriate way, submissions must demonstrate success against stated objectives, and include testimonies from contemporaries, direct reports and/or senior management.

This category recognises UK-based B2B marketing agencies that have proven themselves to be outstanding in this highly competitive sector over the qualifying period, demonstrating excellence across their organisation. This will include information on outstanding campaign success, new client wins, satisfaction/retention of existing customers, staff satisfaction and loyalty and (of course) profitability. Other achievements, such as expansion and development of new areas of expertise, or awarding of external standards etc., will also be considered. Where possible, submissions should demonstrate how the agency has succeeded in standing out and differentiating itself. Submissions must also state whether the agency operates only from a UK HQ, or whether it has registered offices in other geographical locations. At least three client testimonials must be included.

This category seeks to recognise those B2B agencies who operate internationally, via multiple locations, managing clients and communicating with audiences around the world. Submissions must explain the nature and scope of the international agency operation in question, and how processes have been created to ensure and enable effective client management and campaign executions via multiple locations and geographically dispersed teams. Examples of recent international campaigns must be included within the submission, as well as testimonials from clients demonstrating the effectiveness and cohesiveness of the agency’s operation. Submissions should demonstrate how the international scope of the agency has enabled greater commercial opportunities and/or more success for clients than could have been achieved via domestic-only operations.