TRAINING TASTER: How to gain buy-in to your data (or even marketing) vision
Date & Time
Friday, June 30, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Tony Lamb

Change is never easy. As the adage goes, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink it”. The same applies to data. Most organisations have made significant data investments, but that often hasn’t led to their people actually using the data and generating the potential value from it.

Becoming data-driven requires an organisational focus on cultural change. Unless you secure buy-in and gain support for your ideas from people at all levels of your organisation, big ideas never seem to take hold or have the impact you want.

If you're eager to harness the power of your customer data across your whole business, but are struggling to make the progress and reap the rewards you want, this 45-minute training taster session is perfect for you. 

You can even apply the 7 steps to gaining buy-in to your marketing strategy, or other activity that requires cultural change.

This taster session will cover the following 7 key steps to drive this cultural change. You’ll learn top tips on how to;

  1. Formulate a clear, but “draft” vision
  2. Gain key Stakeholders buy-in
  3. Find your C-suite Data Champion
  4. Deliver quick wins to demonstrate the value and build support
  5. Make data easy to use and understand
  6. Build your team of Data Advocates
  7. Communicate to continue to generate support and inspire confidence

What you’ll gain:

  • Tools to help you think clearly about your own situation 
  • Understanding a framework that's proven to drive results
  • Ideas to help you overcome your own sticking points