Fishbowl conversation with Financial Times and Twogether – Engaging the modern decision maker
Date & Time
Friday, June 30, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
2023 Speaker - Enzo Diliberto
2023 Speaker - Mrs Claire Davidson
2023 Speaker - Alex Norbury
2023 Speaker - Laura Milsted
2023 Speaker - Mrs Claire Davidson
2023 Speaker - Alex Norbury
2023 Speaker - Laura Milsted

The next-generation of decision makers are here. And they've come to expect much more from brands and the buying process.
So, how can you engage and deliver value to this modern decision maker?
In this session, you'll be the first to hear about exclusive research into who the modern decision makers are and what they want, from Twogether and the Financial Times. We'll delve into their dynamic landscape, and you'll be able to ask questions about your own strategies to engage this new buyer with our panel and peers.
You'll have the opportunity to:
- Meet the modern decision maker, and understand what's shaping their decisions
- Debate the implications for marketers and how this will impact the future of your brand experience
- Discuss the role of creativity, content, and media to engage them