Pre-event Webinars

To warm up for the Series, we ran two pre-event webinars in November and December, where our panelists explored how to demonstrate marketing's value during tough economic periods, and the impact of global political and economic disruptions on the industry. The webinar recordings are now available to watch on demand at the links below.

The impact of global, political, and economic forces on B2B marketing.

With growing concern around polarisation and political instability at home, and regional conflicts fundamentally reshaping supply chains and global trade, marketers need to evolve alongside new dynamics to remain on the front foot. In this panel, we will explore the main global political and economic disruptions, the short-term and long-term dynamics that will affect marketers, and what marketers can do to rise to the challenges of these uncertain times.

On-demand: Demonstrating the value of marketing in tough times.

In times of political and economic uncertainty, volatile market dynamics, and downward budget pressures, the need to demonstrate the value of marketing becomes more acute than ever. In this webinar, our panelists will explore how we prove the impact of marketing on revenue in tough times. This panel will also discuss how best to navigate the tension between brand and demand for short-term sales, and what can be done to remain innovative despite dwindling budgets.