The Elevation Awards 2024 Winners Report

The Elevation Awards 2024 winners will be announced in a digital report published by B2B Marketing and Propolis in September 2024. The report will act as an essential guide for client side marketers to discover which agencies and B2B organizations are leading the way in campaign creativity, innovation and excellence.

  • Expose your brand to 1 million+ B2B marketing professionals across the US, Europe and beyond throughout a 4+ month digital promotion campaign.
  • Get noticed by our 3000 monthly listeners when your winning program is covered in one of two Elevation Awards Report B2B Marketing Podcast episodes.
  • Become part of an essential guide for client-side marketers to discover which agencies and B2B organizations are leading the way in campaign creativity, innovation and excellence.

About the Report

Which aspects of the programs entered will be covered in the Report?

For each category, each winner (Gold, Silver and Bronze) will have their 200 word program synopsis listed. For the Gold winners, we will include judges’ comments and campaign creative where applicable, as well key program metrics. 

Each Gold winning entry will also be made into a case study available exclusively to the 1000+ members of our B2B marketing community intelligence platform, Propolis. Gold winners will then have the opportunity to purchase promotion of their case study to the full B2B Marketing global audience of 120,000+ marketing professionals.

yearly social reach

yearly social impressions

email subscribers

monthly podcast listeners

How and where will the Report be promoted?

The Report will be hosted on both the Elevation Awards 2024 website and on the B2B Marketing website as free downloadable content, giving the winners continued, year round exposure to a global audience of B2B marketing leaders from client-side organizations who are looking for industry intelligence and insight to help inform their decision-making and planning.

  • The Report will be promoted for 4+ months across our social media channels and to our subscriber base. 
  • Alongside the Report, we will release two dedicated episodes of  The B2B Marketing Podcast, featuring analysis of the winning campaigns.
  • All Propolis members will receive a copy of the Report, along with a detailed review of all the winning campaigns, giving the winners additional exposure to a premium group of client-side marketing decision-makers.

Winners Report Sponsor